I've tried to find all their sets available, but there are some minifigures that do not belong to any sets. Both sets and minifigures have own ids. When Pogo have appeared, they've started numbering minifigures from 1, but later they've changed numbering into 3digit numbers. So PG1 =/= PG001 , remember that. Also some early models sometimes were pointed with hyphen, for example PG-7, etc
All the pictures are taken from AliExpress (all images belong to their owners).
If you see any mistakes or can add something, do not hesitate to pm me.
Be aware that some of the pictures are cg (not real photos).
List goes first, then the list with pictures.
List goes first, then the list with pictures.
The list is gonna be updated.
Navigation tips:
Use browser text search to find set by code (usually ctrl + F).
Marvel and DC series minifigures are always marked, even if they are mixed. So are the other series.
Updated 06.01.2018
Minifigures (that do not belong to any set):
PG1 DC White Lantern
PG2 DC Armored Batman
PG3 Marvel Winter Soldier
PG4 DC Killer Croc
PG5 Marvel Iron Man
PG6 DC Black Mask
PG7 DC Red Hood
PG8 Marvel Hydra Soldier
PG9 DC Martian Manhunter
PG10 DC Red Robin
PG11 Marvel Gambit
PG011 DC Batman
PG12 DC Deathstroke
PG012 DC Wonder Woman
PG13 DC Shazam
PG14 Marvel SHIELD Agent
PG15 Marvel Deadpool
PG16 DC Nightwing
PG17 Terminator
PG18 Marvel Daredevil
PG19 SW Blue Stormtrooper
PG20 SW Black Stormtrooper
PG21 SW Sandtrooper
PG22 SW Stormtrooper (used it set 8001)
PG23 SW Royal Guard
PG24 SW Royal Guard
PG25 Marvel SHIELD Agents (6 minifigures)
PG26 SW Dewback
PG27 4 Police Dogs
PG29 SW Flametrooper
PG32 SW Snowtrooper
PG33 Marvel Ant-Man
PG35 SW Trooper (black)
PG36 SW Boba Fett
PG37 SW Stromtrooper
PG39 SW Trooper (white + red)
PG40 SW Transparent Stromtrooper (used in set 8001)
PG41 SW Commander (used in set 8001)
PG42 SW Trooper (used in set 8001)
PG43 SW Commando (used in set 8001)
PG44 SW Boba Fett (used in set 8001)
PG45 SW (used in set 8001)
PG46 SW Jango Fett (used in set 8001)
PG379 DC Bane
PG401 Marvel Iron Man Chrome version
PG402 Marvel Deadpool Chrome version
PG403 Marvel Vision Chrome version
PG406 Marvel Spider-Man Chrome version
PG407 DC Batman Chrome version
PG409 Marvel Venom Chrome version
PG629 SW Jabba
PG634 SW Rancor
PG635 SW Amidala
PG640 SW Boba Fett
PG641 SW Kango Fett
PG642 SW Boba Fett (white)
PG643 SW Count Dooku
PG644 SW Count Dooku
PG645 SW Darth Maul
PG654 SW Imperial Hovertank Pilot
PG655 SW Imperial Shoretrooper
PG656 SW Imperial Deathtrooper
PG670 SW Tauntaun
PG759 Han Solo
PG760 Princess Leia
PG801 SW Stormtrooper Chrome version
PG802 SW Darth Vader Chrome version
PG927 Shark Guy
PG928 Hot Dog Guy
PG929 Royal Guard
PG930 Graduate
PG931 LOTR Smaug
PG962 Penguin Guy
PG963 Banana
PG964 Rabbit Guy
PG965 Panda Guy
PG989 Military Man
PG999 Mr. Gold (rare Lego minifigure imitation)
PG1008 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1025 Chinese fig
PG1042 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1043 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1045 Black Panther
PG1046 Leopard
PG1047 Tiger
PG1048 White tiger
PG1049 Camel
PG1129 Puma
PG1148 White Leopard
PG Faces set
PG Bicycles, chromed (6 different colors, PG919 Silver, PG920 Golden, PG921 Pink, PG923 Green, PG924 Red, PG925 Blue)
PGPJ0001-0024 Weapons Pack
PGPJ2004-2017 Helmets Pack
PGPJ3001-3019 Shields Pack
PGPJ4001-4008 Armor Pack
PGPJ5001 Joker Face Pack (24 faces)
PGPJ0001-0024 Weapons Pack | PGPJ0025-0033 Firearms Pack | PGPJ2004-2017 Helmets Pack | PGPJ3001-3019 Shields Pack | PGPJ4001-4008 Armor Pack
PG8001 SW (8 minifigures - PG22 Stormtrooper, PG40 Transparent Stromtrooper, PG41 Commander, PG42 Trooper, PG43 Commando, PG44 Boba Fett, PG45, PG46 Jango Fett)
PG8002 SW (8 minifigures - PG442, PG299, PG202, PG331, PG194, PG491, PG492, PG330)
PG8003 Marvel + DC mix (6 minifigures - PG001 Captain America, PG002 Black Panther, PG003 Winter Soldier, PG004 Hyperion, PG005 Miss Marvel, PG006 Deadshot)
PG8004 SW (3 minifigures - PG623 Arf trooper, PG624 Arf Shadow trooper, PG625 Arc trooper)
PG8005 SW Princess Leia (3 minifigures, different styles - PG626, PG627, PG628)
PG8006 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG022 Wolverine, PG023 Rogue, PG024 Quicksilver, PG025 Psylocke, PG026 Professor X, PG027 Iceman, PG028 Archangel, PG029 Mystic)
PG8007 DC Trinity (3 minifigures - PG007 Batman, PG008 Superman, PG009 Wonder Woman)
PG8008 Nexo Knights (4 minifigues - scurrier, different styles - PG907, PG908, PG909, PG910)
PG8009 DC Classic Batman (8 minifigures - PG014 Batman, PG015 Catwoman, PG016 Joker, PG017 Dick Grayson, PG018 Bruce Wayne, PG019 Robin, PG020 Alfred, PG021 Penguin)
PG8010 Harry Potter (6 minifigures - PG901 Harry Potter, PG902 Harry Potter, PG903 Harry Potter, PG904 Hermione, PG905 Ron, PG906 Voldemort)
PG8011 SW General Grievous (2 minifigures - PG630, PG631)
PG8012 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG030, PG031 Rogue, PG032, PG033 Shadowcat, PG034 Sabretooth, PG035 Colossus, PG036, PG037)
PG8013 DC (8 minifigures - PG039 Pirate Batman, PG041 Joker, PG055 Joker (Suicide Squad), PG056 Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad), PG057 Two-Face, PG060 Scarecrow, PG059 Poison Ivy, PG058 Starfire)
PG8014 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG049 Doctor Strange, PG048 Moon Knight, PG040 Spider Gwen, PG051 Deadpool, PG054, PG050 Atom, PG052 Captain America Hydra version, PG053 Spawn)
PG8015 Bicycles (8 different colors - PG911 Orange, PG912 Yellow, PG913 Pink, PG914 Black, PG915 Green, PG916 Blue, PG917 Red, PG918 White)
PG8016 DC Joker's Henchmen? Look like Payday characters to me (6 minifigues - PG061, PG062, PG063, PG064, PG065, PG066)
PG8017 Marvel (8 minifigues - PG068 Captain America, PG069 Spider-Girl, PG070 Scarlet Spider, PG071. PG072 Scorpion, PG073 Goblin, PG074, PG075 Stan Lee)
PG8018 DC (8 minifigures - PG076 Blue Beetle, PG077 Joker, PG078 Bane, PG079 Two-Face, PG080 Batman, PG081 Black Manta, PG082 Beast Boy, PG083 Riddler)
PG8019 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG084 ,PG085 Strorm, PG086 Wolverine, PG087, PG088 Archangel, PG089, PG090 Angel, PG091 Nightcrawler)
PG8020 Assasins Creed (6 minifigures - PG944, PG945, PG946, PG947, PG948, PG949)
PG8021 SW (8 minifigures - PG646, PG647, PG648, PG649, PG650, PG651, PG652, PG653)
PG8022 Christmas themed set, Marvel + DC + SW + original characters (8 minifigures - PG 970 Santa Claus, PG971 Missis Santa, PG976 Joker, PG977 Harley Quinn, PG972 Yoda, PG974 C3PO, PG973 Darth Vader, PG975 Deadpool)
PG8023 SW C3PO (8 minifigures, different styles - PG637, PG638, PG653, PG657, PG658, PG659, PG660, PG661)
PG8024 SW (8 minifigures - PG662 Han Solo, PG663 Palpatine, PG664, PG665 Obi Wan, PG666, PG667, PG668, PG669 Leia)
PG8025 Big Bang Theory (7 minifigures - PG978 Sheldon, PG979 Leonard, PG980 Raj, PG981 Howard, PG982 Penny, PG983 Amy, PG984 Bernadette)
PG8026 Batman The Movie (8 minifigures, different styles - PG092, PG093, PG094, PG095, PG096, PG097, PG098, PG099)
PG8027 LOTR Hobbit Elves (8 minifigures - PG509, PG510, PG511, PG512, PG513, PG514, PG515, PG516)
PG8028 SW (8 minifigures - PG671 Luke, PG672 Qui Gon, PG673 Leia, PG674 Ahsoka Tano, PG675, PG676, PG677 Mace Windu, PG678 Padme)
PG8029 Game of the Thrones (12 minifigures - PG932 Jon Snow , PG933 Khal Drogo, PG934 Brienne, PG935 Ygritte, PG936 Tyrion, PG937 Varys, PG938 Joffrey, PG939 White Walker, PG940 Arya, PG941 Daenerys, PG942 - Jaime, PG943 Melisandre)
PG8030 The Beatles (4 minifigures - PG985, PG986, PG987, PG988)
PG8031 LOTR (8 minifigures - PG501, PG502, PG503, PG504, PG505, PG506, PG507, PG508)
PG8032 Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG100 Joker, PG101 Harley Quinn, PG102 Poison Ivy, PG103 Batman, PG104 Robin, PG105 Joker, PG106 Catwoman, PG107 Calandar Man)
PG8033 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG108 Catman, PG109 Dick Grayson, PG110 Commissioner Gordon, PG111 Glam Metal Batman, PG112 Orca, PG113 Asylum Joker, PG114 March Hariette, PG115 King Tut)
PG8034 SW (8 minifigures - PG679 Luke, PG680 Grand Moff Tarkin, PG681 Han Solo, PG682 Anakin, PG683 Obi-Wan, PG684 Satelle Shan, PG685 Aayla Secura, PG686 Ahsoka Tano)
PG8035 Pirates (8 minifigures - PG991, PG992, PG993, PG994, PG995, PG996, PG997, PG998)
PG8036 LOTR (8 minifigures - PG517 Mouth of Sauron, PG518 Witch King, PG519 Ringwraith, PG520 Uruk Hai, PG521 Mordor Orc, PG522 King of the Dead, PG523 Soldier of the Dead, PG524 Soldier of the Dead)
PG8037 SW (8 minifigures - PG687 Luke (EP IV ending), PG688 Qui Gon, PG689, PG690 Asajj Ventress, PG692 Luminara, PG692 Han Solo, PG693 Bounty Hunter, PG694 Jawa)
PG8038 Doctor Who (4 minifigures - PG966 - 12th Doctor, PG967 Clara Oswald, PG968 Weeping Angel, PG969 11th Doctor)
PG8039 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG116 Mr. Freeze, PG117 Batgirl, PG118 comissioner Gordon, PG119 Alfred, PG120 Kabuki Twin, PG121 Mayor McCaskill, PG122 Zebra Man, PG123 Magpie)
PG8040 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures from mystery bag - PG124 Lobster-Lovin’ Batman, PG125 Nurse Harley Quinn, PG126 Clan of the Cave Batman, PG127 Pink Power Batgirl, PG128 Zodiac Master, PG129 Fairy Batman, PG130 Red Hood, PG131 The Mime)
PG8041 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG132 Disco Batman (polybag), PG133 Poison Ivy (Arkham Robe), PG134 Barbara Gordon, PG135 Joker (Arkham Robe), PG136 Catwoman (Arkham Robe), PG137 Aaron Cash, PG138 Penguin, PG139 Riddler)
PG8042 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG140 Tears of Batman (polybag), PG141 Dick Grayson (in suit), PG142 Riddler (Arkham Robe), PG143 Scarecrow (Pizza Delivery), PG144 Bruce Wayne, PG145 Kite Man, PG146 Man-Bat, PG147 Two-Face (Arkham Robe))
PG8043 Marvel (6 minifigures - PG148 Iron Man, PG149 Hammer, PG150 Super Adaptoid, PG151 Captain America, PG152 Red She-Hulk, PG153 Coulson)
PG8044 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy (8 minifigures PG154, PG155, PG156, PG157, PG158, PG159, PG160, PG161)
PG8045 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG162 Batman, PG163 Bruce Wayne, PG164 Alfred, PG165 Barbara Gordon, PG166 James Gordon, PG167 Harley Quinn, PG168 Riddler, PG169 Penguin)
PG8046 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG170 Batman, PG171 Batman, PG172 Batman from Battle Pod, PG173 James Gordon, PG174 Dick Grayson, PG175 Riddler, PG176 Batman, PG177 Batman)
PG8047 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG178, PG179, PG180, PG181, PG182, PG183. PG184, PG185)
PG8048 Pirates of the Caribbean (8 minifigures - PG1000, PG1001, PG1002, PG1003, PG1004, PG1005, PG1006, PG1007)
PG8049 SW 8 minifigures (PG695, PG696, PG697, PG698, PG699, PG700, PG701, PG702)
PG8050 SW (8 minifigures - PG703 Snowtrooper, PG704 First Order Officer, PG 705 Admiral Thrawn, PG706 Bib Fortuna, PG707 Han Solo EP VI, PG708 Lando Calrissian, PG709 Stass Aliee, PG710 Jar Jar Binks)
PG8051 SW (8 minfigures - PG711 - Han Solo Hoth, PG712 Shaak Ti, PG713 Luminara, PG714 Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper), PG715, PG716 Saesee Tiin, PG717 - Grand Moff Tarkin, PG718 Ki-Adi-Mundi)
PG8052 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG186 Gladiator Batman, PG187 Barbara Gordon GCPD, PG188 Two Face, PG189 Winged Avenger, PG190 Barbara Gordon Uniform, PG191 The Eraser, PG192 The Calculator, PG193 Tarantula)
PG8053 SW (8 minifigures - PG719 New Order Stormtrooper with Armor Vest, PG720 Unmasked Kylo Ren, PG721 Tasu Leech from TFA, PG722 Naare from LSW Freemaker, PG723 Barriss Offee, Luminara's apprentice, PG724 Uncle Owen?, PG725 Clone Wars Mandalorian Soldier, PG726 Turk Falso)
PG8054 Star Trek (8 minifigures - PG950 Captain Jonathan Archer, PG951 T'Pol, PG952 Ensign Travis Mayweather, PG953 Lt. Trip Tucker, PG954 Hoshi Sato, PG955 Dr. Phlox, PG956 Malcolm Reed, PG957 Possible Kirk or Spock in flight suit (Star Trek 2009))
PG8055 Ninjago (8 minifigures - PG1009 Shadow from Tournament of Elements, PG1010 Ash from Tournament of Elements, PG1011 Slackjaw, PG1012 Commander Blunck, PG1013 Rivett, PG1014 Vermin, PG1015 Commander Raggmunk, PG1016 General Machia)
PG8056 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG194 Some X-Men Deadpool costume, PG195 X-Men Apocalypse Movie Cyclops (Right?), PG196 Quasar (90s Costume), PG197 Azrael, PG198 Red Lantern Batman, PG199 American Dream, PG200 Spider-Girl?, PG201 Captain Atom)
PG8057 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG202 Whiplash (IM2), PG203 Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon), PG204 Tarantula, PG205 Paladin, PG206 Ultimate Deadpool, PG207 Last Stand Spider-Man, PG208 Superior Spider-Girl, PG209 Venompool)
PG8058 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG210 Captain Boomerang, PG211 Nightwing, PG212 Piledriver, PG213 Bulldozer, PG214 Captain Universe Spider-Man, PG215 DOFP Intro Wolverine, PG216 Captain Punisher, PG217 Classic Nightwing)
PG8059 Marvel + DC mix (PG218 Classic Black Canary, PG219 Dark Phoenix, PG220 Cannonball, PG221 Captain America, PG222 Atomica, PG223 Deadpool Battle of the Atom, PG224 Dormammu, PG225 Mr. Sinister)
PG8060 Marvel + DC mix (PG226 Jesse Quick, PG227 Poison Ivy, PG228 Count Nefaria, PG229 Ghost Maker, PG230 Punisher, PG231 Iron Fist in red, PG232 Captain Britain, PG233 Kilgrave aka Purple Man)
PG8061 Different Collectible Minifigures (8 minifigures - PG1026, PG1027, PG1028, PG1029, PG1030, PG1031, PG1032, PG1033)
PG8062 Police and Military Minifigures (8 minifigures - PG1034, PG1035, PG1036, PG1037, PG1038, PG1039, PG1040, PG1041)
PG8063 Marvel + DC + Overwatch mix (8 minifigures - PG242 Reaper from Overwatch, PG243 X-23, PG244 Flash (Wally West Titans), PG245 Deadpool, PG246 Fantomex, PG247 Jay Garrick Flash, PG248 Lex Luthor (Superman suit), PG249 Punisher)
PG8064 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG250 Hela from Thor Ragnarok, PG251 Valkyrie from Thor Ragnarok, PG252 Thor from Thor Ragnarok, PG253 Alfred in costume from TLBM, PG254 Loki from Thor Ragnarok, PG255 Two Face, PG256 Wicked Witch of the West (TLBM), PG257 The Flash)
PG8065 Marvel (PG234 90's Havok, PG235 Blazing Skull, PG236 Original Human Torch, PG237 Future Foundation Invisible Woman, PG238 The Patriot aka Jeffrey Mace, PG239 Kamala Khan, PG240 The Mandarin, PG241 Nighthawk)
PG8066 SW (PG727 M-OC Hunter Droid (Freemaker Adventures), PG728 Boba Fett (EP II), PG729 First Order Stormtrooper (TFA/TLJ), PG730 Bodhi Rook (Rogue One), PG731 Hera (Rebels), PG732 Kanan Jarrus (Rebels), PG733 First Order Officer (TFA/TLJ), PG734 Pao (Rogue One))
PG8067 SW (PG735 Watto, PG736 Ewok Warrior, PG737 Chief Chirpa, PG738 Wicket W Warrick, PG739 Logray, PG740 Teebo, PG741 Tokkat, PG742 Gamorrean Guard)
PG8068 Marvel +DC mix (PG282 Dr. Harleen Quinzel, PG283 Classic Loki, PG284 Clock King, PG285 Superman (1936), PG286 Aquaman (JL 2017 Movie), PG287 Batman (JL 2017 Movie), PG288 Cyborg (JL 2017 Movie), PG289 Scarecrow (TLBM))
PG8069 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG258 Kaecilius from Doctor Strange, PG259 Winter Soldier, PG260 Spider-Man Homecoming Homemade Suit, PG261 Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes), PG262 Matt Murdock (Daredevil Secret Identity), PG263 Daredevil Netflix costume, PG264 Two Face, PG265 Deadshot)
PG8070 DC (8 minifigures - PG266 Arkhamverse Red Hood, PG267 White Lantern Flash, PG268 James (Jim) Gordon, PG269 Hugo Strange, PG270 Edward Nygma, PG271 Harvey Bullock, PG272 Oswald Cobblepot, PG273 Gentleman Ghost)
PG8071 SW (8 minifigures - PG743 Bo-Katan (Death Watch), PG744 Revan, PG745 Unmasked Kylo Ren, PG746 Darth Malgus, PG747 Lieutenant Mitaka (First Order), PG748 Yoda, PG749 Dengar, PG750 Coleman Trebor)
PG8072 Game of Thrones (12 minifigures - PG1051 Jon Snow, PG1052 Arya Stark, PG1053 Sansa Stark, PG1054 Robb Stark, PG1055 Catelyn Stark, PG1056 Tyrion Lannister, PG1057 Cersei Lannister, PG1058 Jamie Lannister, PG1059 Petyr Baelish, PG1060 Daenerys Targaryen, PG1061 Khal Drogo, PG1062 Ned Stark)
PG8073 Ninjago CMF (8 minifigures - PG1017 Pajama Garmadon, PG1018 Shark Army General, PG1019 Flashback Garmadon, PG1020 Master Wu, PG1021 Garmadon, PG1022 N-pop girl, PG1023 Nya, PG1024 Shark Army Angler)
PG8074 DC Batman the Movie White suits from Credits ( 8 minifigures - PG306 Batman, PG307 Alfred, PG308 Robin, PG309 Catwoman, PG310 Commissioner Gordon, PG311 King Tut, PG312 Harley Quinn, PG313 Joker)
PG8076 DC Batman (8 minifigures - PG354 White Lantern Batman, PG355 Star Sapphire Batman, PG356 Orange Lantern Batman, PG357 Gold Batman, PG358 Green Lantern Batman, PG359 Indigo Tribe Batman, PG360 Batman Jokerized, PG361 Blue Lantern Batman)
PG8077 Ninjago (8 minifigures - PG1063 Jungle Garmadon, PG1064 Great White, PG1065 Puffer, PG1066 Crusty, PG1067 Angler, PG1068 Jelly, PG1069 Hammer Head, PG1070 Garmadon)
PG8078 SW Troopers (8 minifigures - PG751 ?, PG752 Fil, PG753 Rex, PG754 Keeli, PG755 Havoc, PG756 Shadow Trooper, PG757 Bly, PG758 Appo)
PG8079 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG274 Elektra Netflix, PG275 White Canary, PG276 Firestorm, PG277 Captain Cold, PG278 Parallax, PG279 Superboy, PG280 Merlin, PG281 Booster Gold)
PG8080 Horror theme (8 minifigures - PG1071 Wacky Witch (CMF), PG1072 Jack Skellington, PG1073 Zombie, PG1074 Spectre, PG1075 Headless Horseman (Scooby Doo), PG1076 Werewolf (CMF), PG1077 Vampire (CMF), PG1078 Vampire Bride)
PG8081 Hazmat Suits (8 minifigures- PG1081, PG1082, PG1083, PG1084, PG1085, PG1086, PG1087, PG1088)
PG8082 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG290 Forge, PG291 Domino, PG292 Omega Red, PG293 Sunfire, PG294 Radioactive Man, PG295 Pyro, PG296 Ripclaw, PG297 Union Jack)
PG8083 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG298 Dr. Nemesis (Cable and X-Force), PG299 Colossus (Cable and X-Force), PG300 Sabretooth (Weapon X), PG301 Bishop, PG302 Executioner (aka Skurge; Thor Villain), PG303 Cable (Cable and X-Force), PG304 Forge (Cable and X-Force), PG305 MCU Spider-Man (Iron Spider/IW Spider Suit))
PG8084 Marvel + DC + others mix (8 minifigures - PG346 Space Suit Batman, PG347 Vixen (SDCC), PG348 Ronald McJoker, PG349 Hamburglar, PG350 Spider-Man Infinity War, PG351 Pajama Deadpool, PG352 Captain Avalon aka Medieval Captain America, PG353 Dormammu)
PG8085 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures- PG362 Joker, PG363 Spawn, PG364 Doctor Fate, PG365 Rorschach, PG366 Supergirl, PG367 Alan Scott Green Lantern, PG368 Blink, PG369 Captain Marvel)
PG8086 Assasin's Creed (8 minifigures - PG1094 Ratohnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway), PG1095 Shay Cormac, PG1096 Edward Kenway, PG1098 Adewalé, PG1093 Aveline de Grandpré, PG1092 Evie Frye, PG1097 Jacob Frye, PG1091 Arno Dorian)
PG8087 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1115 Minotaurus, PG1116 Vampire Bat, PG1117 Clown, PG1118 Yeti, PG1119 Hazmat Guy, PG1120 Bigfoot, PG1121 Business Man, PG1122 Carrot Guy (Custom/Unreleased from TLG))
PG8088 Marvel + DC + other mix (8 minifigures - PG370 Batman (Detective Comics 1939), PG371 Black Panther (Classic Comics), PG372 Clayface, PG373 Captain America (Wild West), PG374 Flash, PG375 Jubilee, PG376 Terminator, PG377 Arnim Zola)
PG8089 He-Man (8 minifigures - PG1099 Ram Man, PG1110 Faker, PG1101 He-Man, PG1102 Skeletor, PG1103 Sorceress, PG1104 Teela, PG1105 Tri-Klops, PG1106 Zodac)
PG8090 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1050 Xenomorph, PG1089 Chestburster Victim, PG1090 Ripley, PG1123 Red X (DC), PG1124 Heimdall, PG1125 Engineer (Prometheius), PG1126 Starship Pilot (Prometheus), PG1147 Godzilla)
PG8091 Classic Spacemen in Chromed suits (8 minifigures - PG1139 Gold, PG1140 Pink, PG1141 Red, PG1142 Green, PG1143 Silver, PG1144 Purple, PG1145 Blue, PG1146 Violet)
PG8092 Slam Dunk (8 minifigures - PG1131 Hanamichi Sakuragi, PG1132 Mitsui, PG1133 Akagi, PG1134 Miyagi, PG1135 Rukawa, PG1136 Hanamichi Sakuragi, PG1137 Haruko, PG1138 Ayako)
PG8093 Marvel + DC mix (1 big figure, 7 minifigures - PG378 TDKR Bane, PG379 TLBM Bane, PG380 X-Force Wolverine, PG381 Captain America Deadpool, PG382 Deadpoll, PG383 Captain America (Winter Soldier Movie), PG384 Batman Punisher, PG385 America Chavez)
PG8094 He-Man (8 minifigures - PG1107 Evil-Lyn, PG1108 Man-At-Arms, PG1109 Mer-Man, PG1110 Trap Jaw, PG1111 Manaface, PG 1112 Beastman, PG1113 Stratos, PG1114 Clawful)
PG8095 SW (8 minifigures - PG761 Executioner Trooper, PG762 Mace Windu (Pre-release version without SLJ's purple saber), PG763 Luminara, PG764 Darth Malgus, PG765 Clone Trooper (Mygeeto Clones or SWBFII Clone Commander), PG766 Naboo Guard, PG767 Resistance Soldier, PG768 Santa Jango Fett)
PG8096 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG338 Agent X, PG339 Green Goblin (TAS2), PG340 Spider-Armor MK II (Bulletproof suit), PG341 Ends of the Earth/Spider-Armor MK III Spider-Man, PG342 Classic Nick Fury, PG343 Miles Morales, PG344 G.W. Bridge, PG345 Spider-Carnage)
PG8097 SW Clone Troopers/First Order Stormtroopers (8 minifigures - PG769 Riot Trooper (with no baton), PG770 , PG771 , PG772 Commander Fox (Phase II), PG773 Waxer, PG774 Arc Trooper Fives, PG775 , PG776)
PG8098 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG322 Quicksilver, PG323 Cyclops, PG324 Longshot, PG325 Angel (Ultimates), PG326 Wolverine (Ultimates), PG326 Rogue (Ultimates), PG328 Jean Grey (Ultimates), PG329 Beast (Ultimates))
PG8099 SW Trade Federation Battle Droids (5 minifigures * 4 of each in a bag - PG777 Infantry Battle Droid, PG778 Security Battle Droid, PG779 Pilot Battle Droid, PG780 Command Officer Battle Droid, PG781 Camo/Geonosis Battle Droid)
PG8100 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG386 Harley Quinn Suiced Squad, PG387 Black Lantern Batman, PG388 Banshee, PG389 Harley Quinn (Injustice), PG390 Killmonger, PG391 Condiment King, PG392 Bane, PG393 Black Panther)
PG8101 Kamen Rider/Masked Rider (7 minifigures - PG1169 Kamen Rider Shin Nigo aka New 2, PG1170 Kamen Rider V3, PG1171 Kamen Rider Shin Ichigo aka New 1, PG1172 Kamen Rider Sakurajima Version, PG1173 Shocker Soldier, PG1174 Shocker Soldier, PG1175 Shocker Soldier)
PG8102 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1127 Predator, PG1128 Hatsune Miku, PG1149 Voltron, PG1164 Alien Xenomorph (Modified), PG1176 Jason Voorhees, PG1177 Yondu, PG1178 Drax, PG1178 Classic Green Drax)
PG8103 DC (8 minifigures - PG314 Harley Quinn, PG315 Joker Batman Suit, PG316 Robin, PG317 Mad Hatter, PG318 Racer Batman, PG319 Nightwing, PG320 Two-Face, PG321 Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad))
PG8104 Overwatch (8 minifigures - PG1156 Genji, PG1157 Widowmaker, PG1158 Hanzo, PG1159 Soldier 76, PG1160 D.Va, PG1161 Mei, PG1162 Ana, PG1163 Junkrat)
PG8105 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG330 Golden Age Reverse-Flash, PG331 Golden Age The Rival, PG332 Netflix Punisher, PG333 Mark V Iron Man (Football) with Suitcase, PG334 Peggy Carter Captain America (Marvel Superheroes 2), PG335 Parallax, PG336 JOE Costume Joker (New 52), PG337 FOX X-Men Wolverine)
PG8106 DC Batman the Movie CMF2 (8 minifigures - PG1189 Disco Harley Quinn, PG1190 Clock King, PG1191 Disco Alfred, PG1192 Hugo Strange, PG1193 Vacation Robin, PG1194 Mer-Bat Batman, PG1195 Vacation Joker, PG1196 Swimming Pool Batman with Dolphin)
PG8107 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG1197 Vacation Batgirl, PG1198 Vacation Alfred, PG1199 Soccer Mom Batgirl, PG1200 Wonder Twins Zan, PG1201 Wonder Twins Jayna, PG1202 Zod, PG1203 Jor-El, PG1204 Black Canary)
PG3 Marvel Winter Soldier
PG4 DC Killer Croc
PG5 Marvel Iron Man MK2
PG6 DC Black Mask
PG7 DC Red Hood
PG8 Marvel Hydra Soldier
PG9 DC Martian Manhunter
PG10 DC Red Robin
PG11 Marvel Gambit
PG12 DC Deathstroke
PG13 DC Shazam
PG14 Marvel SHIELD Agent
PG15 Marvel Deadpool
PG16 DC Nightwing
PG17 Terminator
PG18 Marvel Daredevil
PG22 SW Stromtrooper
PG23 SW Royal Guard
PG24 Royal Guard
PG26 SW Dewback
PG27 4 Police Dogs
PG29 SW Flametrooper
PG32 SW Snowtrooper
PG33 Marvel Ant-Man
PG37 SW Stromtrooper
PG46 SW Jango Fett
PG379 DC Bane
PG401 Marvel Iron Man Chrome version
PG402 Marvel Deadpool Chrome version
PG403 Marvel Vision Chrome version
PG406 Marvel Spider-Man Chrome version
PG407 DC Batman Chrome version
PG409 Marvel Venom Chrome version
PG629 SW Jabba
PG635 SW Amidala
PG640 SW Boba Fett
PG641 SW Jango Fett
PG642 SW Boba Fett (white)
PG643 SW Count Dooku
PG644 SW Count Dooku
PG645 SW Darth Maul
PG654 SW Imperial Hovertank Pilot
PG655 SW Imperial Shoretrooper
PG656 SW Imperial Deathtrooper
PG670 SW Tauntaun
PG759 Han Solo
PG760 Princess Leia
PG802 SW Darth Vader Chrome version
PG927 Shark Guy
PG928 Hot Dog Guy
PG929 Royal Guard
PG930 Graduate
PG963 Banana
PG989 Military Man
PG1008 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1025 Chinese fig
PG1042 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1043 Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Zombie Shark
PG1046 Leopard
PG1047 Tiger
PG1048 White tiger
PG1049 Camel
PG Faces setPG Bicycles, chromed (6 different colors, PG919 Silver, PG920 Golden, PG921 Pink, PG923 Green, PG924 Red, PG925 Blue)

PGPJ0001-0024 Weapons Pack | PGPJ0025-0033 Firearms Pack | PGPJ2004-2017 Helmets Pack | PGPJ3001-3019 Shields Pack | PGPJ4001-4008 Armor Pack
PGPJ5001 Joker Face Pack (24 faces)
PG8001 SW (8 minifigures - PG22 Stormtrooper, PG40 Transparent Stromtrooper, PG41 Commander, PG42 Trooper, PG43 Commando, PG44 Boba Fett, PG45, PG46 Jango Fett)
PG8002 SW (8 minifigures - PG442, PG299, PG202, PG331, PG194, PG491, PG492, PG330)
PG8003 Marvel + DC mix (6 minifigures - PG001 Captain America, PG002 Black Panther, PG003 Winter Soldier, PG004 Hyperion, PG005 Miss Marvel, PG006 Deadshot)
PG8004 SW (3 minifigures - PG623 Arf trooper, PG624 Arf Shadow trooper, PG625 Arc trooper)
PG8005 SW Princess Leia (3 minifigures, different styles - PG626, PG627, PG628)
PG8006 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG022 Wolverine, PG023 Rogue, PG024 Quicksilver, PG025 Psylocke, PG026 Professor X, PG027 Iceman, PG028 Archangel, PG029 Mystic)
PG8007 (PG007-009) DC Trinity (3 minifigures - PG007 Batman, PG008 Superman, PG009 Wonder Woman)
PG8008 Nexo Knights (4 minifigues - scurrier, different styles - PG907, PG908, PG909, PG910)
PG8009 DC Classic Batman (8 minifigures - PG014 Batman, PG015 Catwoman, PG016 Joker, PG017 Dick Grayson, PG018 Bruce Wayne, PG019 Robin, PG020 Alfred, PG021 Penguin)
PG8010 Harry Potter (6 minifigures - PG901 Harry Potter, PG902 Harry Potter, PG903 Harry Potter, PG904 Hermione, PG905 Ron, PG906 Voldemort)
PG8011 SW General Grievous (2 minifigures - PG630, PG631)
PG8012 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG030, PG031 Rogue, PG032, PG033 Shadowcat, PG034 Sabretooth, PG035 Colossus, PG036, PG037)
PG8013 DC (8 minifigures - PG039 Pirate Batman, PG041 Joker, PG055 Joker (Suicide Squad), PG056 Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad), PG057 Two-Face, PG060 Scarecrow, PG059 Poison Ivy, PG058 Starfire)
PG8014 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG049 Doctor Strange, PG048 Moon Knight, PG040 Spider Gwen, PG051 Deadpool, PG054, PG050 Atom, PG052 Captain America Hydra version, PG053 Spawn)
PG8015 Bicycles (8 different colors - PG911 Orange, PG912 Yellow, PG913 Pink, PG914 Black, PG915 Green, PG916 Blue, PG917 Red, PG918 White)
PG8016 DC Joker's Henchmen? Look like Payday characters to me (6 minifigues - PG061, PG062, PG063, PG064, PG065, PG066)
PG8017 Marvel (8 minifigues - PG068 Captain America, PG069 Spider-Girl, PG070 Scarlet Spider, PG071. PG072 Scorpion, PG073 Goblin, PG074, PG075 Stan Lee)
PG8018 DC (8 minifigures - PG076 Blue Beetle, PG077 Joker, PG078 Bane, PG079 Two-Face, PG080 Batman, PG081 Black Manta, PG082 Beast Boy, PG083 Riddler)
PG8019 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG084 ,PG085 Strorm, PG086 Wolverine, PG087, PG088 Archangel, PG089, PG090 Angel, PG091 Nightcrawler)
PG8020 Assasins Creed (6 minifigures - PG944, PG945, PG946, PG947, PG948, PG949)
PG8021 SW (8 minifigures - PG646, PG647, PG648, PG649, PG650, PG651, PG652, PG653)
PG8022 Christmas themed set, Marvel + DC + SW + original characters (8 minifigures - PG 970 Santa Claus, PG971 Missis Santa, PG976 Joker, PG977 Harley Quinn, PG972 Yoda, PG974 C3PO, PG973 Darth Vader, PG975 Deadpool)
PG8023 SW C3PO (8 minifigures, different styles - PG637, PG638, PG653, PG657, PG658, PG659, PG660, PG661)
PG8024 SW (8 minifigures - PG662 Han Solo, PG663 Palpatine, PG664, PG665 Obi Wan, PG666, PG667, PG668, PG669 Leia)
PG8025 Big Bang Theory (7 minifigures - PG978 Sheldon, PG979 Leonard, PG980 Raj, PG981 Howard, PG982 Penny, PG983 Amy, PG984 Bernadette)
PG8026 Batman The Movie (8 minifigures, different styles - PG092, PG093, PG094, PG095, PG096, PG097, PG098, PG099)
PG8027 LOTR Hobbit Elves (8 minifigures - PG509, PG510, PG511, PG512, PG513, PG514, PG515, PG516)
PG8028 SW (8 minifigures - PG671 Luke, PG672 Qui Gon, PG673 Leia, PG674 Ahsoka Tano, PG675, PG676, PG677 Mace Windu, PG678 Padme)
PG8029 Game of the Thrones (12 minifigures - PG932 Jon Snow , PG933 Khal Drogo, PG934 Brienne, PG935 Ygritte, PG936 Tyrion, PG937 Varys, PG938 Joffrey, PG939 White Walker, PG940 Arya, PG941 Daenerys, PG942 - Jaime, PG943 Melisandre)
PG8030 The Beatles (4 minifigures - PG985, PG986, PG987, PG988)
PG8031 LOTR (8 minifigures - PG501, PG502, PG503, PG504, PG505, PG506, PG507, PG508)
PG8032 Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG100 Joker, PG101 Harley Quinn, PG102 Poison Ivy, PG103 Batman, PG104 Robin, PG105 Joker, PG106 Catwoman, PG107 Calandar Man)
PG8033 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG108 Catman, PG109 Dick Grayson, PG110 Commissioner Gordon, PG111 Glam Metal Batman, PG112 Orca, PG113 Asylum Joker, PG114 March Hariette, PG115 King Tut)
PG8034 SW (8 minifigures - PG679 Luke, PG680 Grand Moff Tarkin, PG681 Han Solo, PG682 Anakin, PG683 Obi-Wan, PG684 Satelle Shan, PG685 Aayla Secura, PG686 Ahsoka Tano)
PG8035 Pirates (8 minifigures - PG991, PG992, PG993, PG994, PG995, PG996, PG997, PG998)
PG8037 SW (8 minifigures - PG687 Luke (EP IV ending), PG688 Qui Gon, PG689, PG690 Asajj Ventress, PG692 Luminara, PG692 Han Solo, PG693 Bounty Hunter, PG694 Jawa)
PG8038 Doctor Who (4 minifigures - PG966 - 12th Doctor, PG967 Clara Oswald, PG968 Weeping Angel, PG969 11th Doctor)
PG8039 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG116 Mr. Freeze, PG117 Batgirl, PG118 comissioner Gordon, PG119 Alfred, PG120 Kabuki Twin, PG121 Mayor McCaskill, PG122 Zebra Man, PG123 Magpie)
PG8040 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures from mystery bag - PG124 Lobster-Lovin’ Batman, PG125 Nurse Harley Quinn, PG126 Clan of the Cave Batman, PG127 Pink Power Batgirl, PG128 Zodiac Master, PG129 Fairy Batman, PG130 Red Hood, PG131 The Mime)
PG8041 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG132 Disco Batman (polybag), PG133 Poison Ivy (Arkham Robe), PG134 Barbara Gordon, PG135 Joker (Arkham Robe), PG136 Catwoman (Arkham Robe), PG137 Aaron Cash, PG138 Penguin, PG139 Riddler)
PG8042 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG140 Tears of Batman (polybag), PG141 Dick Grayson (in suit), PG142 Riddler (Arkham Robe), PG143 Scarecrow (Pizza Delivery), PG144 Bruce Wayne, PG145 Kite Man, PG146 Man-Bat, PG147 Two-Face (Arkham Robe))
PG8043 Marvel (6 minifigures - PG148 Iron Man, PG149 Hammer, PG150 Super Adaptoid, PG151 Captain America, PG152 Red She-Hulk, PG153 Coulson)
PG8044 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy (8 minifigures -PG154, PG155, PG156, PG157, PG158, PG159, PG160, PG161)
PG8045 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG162 Batman, PG163 Bruce Wayne, PG164 Alfred, PG165 Barbara Gordon, PG166 James Gordon, PG167 Harley Quinn, PG168 Riddler, PG169 Penguin)
PG8046 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG170 Batman, PG171 Batman, PG172 Batman from Battle Pod, PG173 James Gordon, PG174 Dick Grayson, PG175 Riddler, PG176 Batman, PG177 Batman)
PG8047 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG178, PG179, PG180, PG181, PG182, PG183. PG184, PG185)
PG8048 Pirates of the Caribbean (8 minifigures - PG1000, PG1001, PG1002, PG1003, PG1004, PG1005, PG1006, PG1007)
PG8049 SW 8 minifigures PG695, PG696, PG697, PG698, PG699, PG700, PG701, PG702)
PG8050 SW (8 minifigures - PG703 Snowtrooper, PG704 First Order Officer, PG 705 Admiral Thrawn, PG706 Bib Fortuna, PG707 Han Solo EP VI, PG708 Lando Calrissian, PG709 Stass Aliee, PG710 Jar Jar Binks)
PG8051 SW (8 minfigures - PG711 - Han Solo Hoth, PG712 Shaak Ti, PG713 Luminara, PG714 Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper), PG715, PG716 Saesee Tiin, PG717 - Grand Moff Tarkin, PG718 Ki-Adi-Mundi)
PG8052 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG186 Gladiator Batman, PG187 Barbara Gordon GCPD, PG188 Two Face, PG189 Winged Avenger, PG190 Barbara Gordon Uniform, PG191 The Eraser, PG192 The Calculator, PG193 Tarantula)
PG8053 SW (8 minifigures - PG719 New Order Stormtrooper with Armor Vest, PG720 Unmasked Kylo Ren, PG721 Tasu Leech from TFA, PG722 Naare from LSW Freemaker, PG723 Barriss Offee, Luminara's apprentice, PG724 Uncle Owen?, PG725 Clone Wars Mandalorian Soldier, PG726 Turk Falso)
PG8054 Star Trek (8 minifigures - PG950 Captain Jonathan Archer, PG951 T'Pol, PG952 Ensign Travis Mayweather, PG953 Lt. Trip Tucker, PG954 Hoshi Sato, PG955 Dr. Phlox, PG956 Malcolm Reed, PG957 Possible Kirk or Spock in flight suit (Star Trek 2009))
PG8055 Ninjago (8 minifigures - PG1009 Shadow from Tournament of Elements, PG1010 Ash from Tournament of Elements, PG1011 Slackjaw, PG1012 Commander Blunck, PG1013 Rivett, PG1014 Vermin, PG1015 Commander Raggmunk, PG1016 General Machia)
PG8056 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG194 Some X-Men Deadpool costume, PG195 X-Men Apocalypse Movie Cyclops (Right?), PG196 Quasar (90s Costume), PG197 Azrael, PG198 Red Lantern Batman, PG199 American Dream, PG200 Spider-Girl?, PG201 Captain Atom)
PG8057 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG202 Whiplash (IM2), PG203 Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon), PG204 Tarantula, PG205 Paladin, PG206 Ultimate Deadpool, PG207 Last Stand Spider-Man, PG208 Superior Spider-Girl, PG209 Venompool)
PG8058 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG210 Captain Boomerang, PG211 Nightwing, PG212 Piledriver, PG213 Bulldozer, PG214 Captain Universe Spider-Man, PG215 DOFP Intro Wolverine, PG216 Captain Punisher, PG217 Classic Nightwing)
PG8059 Marvel + DC mix (PG218 Classic Black Canary, PG219 Dark Phoenix, PG220 Cannonball, PG221 Captain America, PG222 Atomica, PG223 Deadpool Battle of the Atom, PG224 Dormammu, PG225 Mr. Sinister)
PG8060 Marvel + DC mix (PG226 Jesse Quick, PG227 Poison Ivy, PG228 Count Nefaria, PG229 Ghost Maker, PG230 Punisher, PG231 Iron Fist in red, PG232 Captain Britain, PG233 Kilgrave aka Purple Man)
PG8061 Different Collectible Minifigures (8 minifigures - PG1026, PG1027, PG1028, PG1029, PG1030, PG1031, PG1032, PG1033)
PG8062 Police and Military Minifigures (8 minifigures - PG1034, PG1035, PG1036, PG1037, PG1038, PG1039, PG1040, PG1041)
PG8063 Marvel + DC + Overwatch mix (8 minifigures - PG242 Reaper from Overwatch, PG243 X-23, PG244 Flash (Wally West Titans), PG245 Deadpool, PG246 Fantomex, PG247 Jay Garrick Flash, PG248 Lex Luthor (Superman suit), PG249 Punisher)
PG8064 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG250 Hela from Thor Ragnarok, PG251 Valkyrie from Thor Ragnarok, PG252 Thor from Thor Ragnarok, PG253 Alfred in costume from TLBM, PG254 Loki from Thor Ragnarok, PG255 Two Face, PG256 Wicked Witch of the West (TLBM), PG257 The Flash)
PG8065 Marvel (PG234 90's Havok, PG235 Blazing Skull, PG236 Original Human Torch, PG237 Future Foundation Invisible Woman, PG238 The Patriot aka Jeffrey Mace, PG239 Kamala Khan, PG240 The Mandarin, PG241 Nighthawk)
PG8066 SW (PG727 M-OC Hunter Droid (Freemaker Adventures), PG728 Boba Fett (EP II), PG729 First Order Stormtrooper (TFA/TLJ), PG730 Bodhi Rook (Rogue One), PG731 Hera (Rebels), PG732 Kanan Jarrus (Rebels), PG733 First Order Officer (TFA/TLJ), PG734 Pao (Rogue One))
PG8067 SW (PG735 Watto, PG736 Ewok Warrior, PG737 Chief Chirpa, PG738 Wicket W Warrick, PG739 Logray, PG740 Teebo, PG741 Tokkat, PG742 Gamorrean Guard)
PG8068 DC (PG282 Dr. Harleen Quinzel, PG283 Classic Loki, PG284 Clock King, PG285 Superman (1936), PG286 Aquaman (JL 2017 Movie), PG287 Batman (JL 2017 Movie), PG288 Cyborg (JL 2017 Movie), PG289 Scarecrow (TLBM))
PG8069 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG258 Kaecilius from Doctor Strange, PG259 Winter Soldier, PG260 Spider-Man Homecoming Homemade Suit, PG261 Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes), PG262 Matt Murdock (Daredevil Secret Identity), PG263 Daredevil Netflix costume, PG264 Two Face, PG265 Deadshot)
PG8070 DC (8 minifigures - PG266 Arkhamverse Red Hood, PG267 White Lantern Flash, PG268 James (Jim) Gordon, PG269 Hugo Strange, PG270 Edward Nygma, PG271 Harvey Bullock, PG272 Oswald Cobblepot, PG273 Gentleman Ghost)
PG8071 SW (8 minifigures - PG743 Bo-Katan (Death Watch), PG744 Revan, PG745 Unmasked Kylo Ren, PG746 Darth Malgus, PG747 Lieutenant Mitaka (First Order), PG748 Yoda, PG749 Dengar, PG750 Coleman Trebor)
PG8072 Game of Thrones (12 minifigures - PG1051 Jon Snow, PG1052 Arya Stark, PG1053 Sansa Stark, PG1054 Robb Stark, PG1055 Catelyn Stark, PG1056 Tyrion Lannister, PG1057 Cersei Lannister, PG1058 Jamie Lannister, PG1059 Petyr Baelish, PG1060 Daenerys Targaryen, PG1061 Khal Drogo, PG1062 Ned Stark)
PG8073 Ninjago CMF (8 minifigures - PG1017 Pajama Garmadon, PG1018 Shark Army General, PG1019 Flashback Garmadon, PG1020 Master Wu, PG1021 Garmadon, PG1022 N-pop girl, PG1023 Nya, PG1024 Shark Army Angler)
PG8074 DC Batman the Movie White suits from Credits ( 8 minifigures - PG306 Batman, PG307 Alfred, PG308 Robin, PG309 Catwoman, PG310 Commissioner Gordon, PG311 King Tut, PG312 Harley Quinn, PG313 Joker)
PG8068 DC (PG282 Dr. Harleen Quinzel, PG283 Classic Loki, PG284 Clock King, PG285 Superman (1936), PG286 Aquaman (JL 2017 Movie), PG287 Batman (JL 2017 Movie), PG288 Cyborg (JL 2017 Movie), PG289 Scarecrow (TLBM))
PG8069 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG258 Kaecilius from Doctor Strange, PG259 Winter Soldier, PG260 Spider-Man Homecoming Homemade Suit, PG261 Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes), PG262 Matt Murdock (Daredevil Secret Identity), PG263 Daredevil Netflix costume, PG264 Two Face, PG265 Deadshot)
PG8070 DC (8 minifigures - PG266 Arkhamverse Red Hood, PG267 White Lantern Flash, PG268 James (Jim) Gordon, PG269 Hugo Strange, PG270 Edward Nygma, PG271 Harvey Bullock, PG272 Oswald Cobblepot, PG273 Gentleman Ghost)
PG8071 SW (8 minifigures - PG743 Bo-Katan (Death Watch), PG744 Revan, PG745 Unmasked Kylo Ren, PG746 Darth Malgus, PG747 Lieutenant Mitaka (First Order), PG748 Yoda, PG749 Dengar, PG750 Coleman Trebor)
PG8073 Ninjago CMF (8 minifigures - PG1017 Pajama Garmadon, PG1018 Shark Army General, PG1019 Flashback Garmadon, PG1020 Master Wu, PG1021 Garmadon, PG1022 N-pop girl, PG1023 Nya, PG1024 Shark Army Angler)
PG8074 DC Batman the Movie White suits from Credits ( 8 minifigures - PG306 Batman, PG307 Alfred, PG308 Robin, PG309 Catwoman, PG310 Commissioner Gordon, PG311 King Tut, PG312 Harley Quinn, PG313 Joker)
PG8076 DC Batman (8 minifigures - PG354 White Lantern Batman, PG355 Star Sapphire Batman, PG356 Orange Lantern Batman, PG357 Gold Batman, PG358 Green Lantern Batman, PG359 Indigo Tribe Batman, PG360 Batman Jokerized, PG361 Blue Lantern Batman)
PG8077 Ninjago (8 minifigures - PG1063 Jungle Garmadon, PG1064 Great White, PG1065 Puffer, PG1066 Crusty, PG1067 Angler, PG1068 Jelly, PG1069 Hammer Head, PG1070 Garmadon)
PG8078 SW Troopers (8 minifigures - PG751 ?, PG752 Fil, PG753 Rex, PG754 Keeli, PG755 Havoc, PG756 Shadow Trooper, PG757 Bly, PG758 Appo)
PG8079 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG274 Elektra Netflix, PG275 White Canary, PG276 Firestorm, PG277 Captain Cold, PG278 Parallax, PG279 Superboy, PG280 Merlin, PG281 Booster Gold)
PG8080 Horror theme (8 minifigures - PG1071 Wacky Witch (CMF), PG1072 Jack Skellington, PG1073 Zombie, PG1074 Spectre, PG1075 Headless Horseman (Scooby Doo), PG1076 Werewolf (CMF), PG1077 Vampire (CMF), PG1078 Vampire Bride)
PG8081 Hazmat Suits (8 minifigures - PG1081, PG1082, PG1083, PG1084, PG1085, PG1086, PG1087, PG1088)
PG8082 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG290 Forge, PG291 Domino, PG292 Omega Red, PG293 Sunfire, PG294 Radioactive Man, PG295 Pyro, PG296 Ripclaw, PG297 Union Jack)
PG8083 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG298 Dr. Nemesis (Cable and X-Force), PG299 Colossus (Cable and X-Force), PG300 Sabretooth (Weapon X), PG301 Bishop, PG302 Executioner (aka Skurge; Thor Villain), PG303 Cable (Cable and X-Force), PG304 Forge (Cable and X-Force), PG305 MCU Spider-Man (Iron Spider/IW Spider Suit))
PG8084 Marvel + DC + others mix (8 minifigures - PG346 Space Suit Batman, PG347 Vixen (SDCC), PG348 Ronald McJoker, PG349 Hamburglar, PG350 Spider-Man Infinity War, PG351 Pajama Deadpool, PG352 Captain Avalon aka Medieval Captain America, PG353 Dormammu)
PG8085 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures- PG362 Joker, PG363 Spawn, PG364 Doctor Fate, PG365 Rorschach, PG366 Supergirl, PG367 Alan Scott Green Lantern, PG368 Blink, PG369 Captain Marvel)
PG8086 Assasin's Creed (8 minifigures - PG1094 Ratohnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway), PG1095 Shay Cormac, PG1096 Edward Kenway, PG1098 Adewalé, PG1093 Aveline de Grandpré, PG1092 Evie Frye, PG1097 Jacob Frye, PG1091 Arno Dorian)
PG8087 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1115 Minotaurus, PG1116 Vampire Bat, PG1117 Clown, PG1118 Yeti, PG1119 Hazmat Guy, PG1120 Bigfoot, PG1121 Business Man, PG1122 Carrot Guy (Custom/Unreleased from TLG))
PG8088 Marvel + DC + other mix (8 minifigures - PG370 Batman (Detective Comics 1939), PG371 Black Panther (Classic Comics), PG372 Clayface, PG373 Captain America (Wild West), PG374 Flash, PG375 Jubilee, PG376 Terminator, PG377 Arnim Zola)
PG8089 He-Man (8 minifigures - PG1099 Ram Man, PG1110 Faker, PG1101 He-Man, PG1102 Skeletor, PG1103 Sorceress, PG1104 Teela, PG1105 Tri-Klops, PG1106 Zodac)
PG8090 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1050 Xenomorph, PG1089 Chestburster Victim, PG1090 Ripley, PG1123 Red X (DC), PG1124 Heimdall, PG1125 Engineer (Prometheius), PG1126 Starship Pilot (Prometheus), PG1147 Godzilla)
PG8091 Classic Spacemen in Chromed suits (8 minifigures - PG1139 Gold, PG1140 Pink, PG1141 Red, PG1142 Green, PG1143 Silver, PG1144 Purple, PG1145 Blue, PG1146 Violet)
PG8092 Slam Dunk (8 minifigures - PG1131 Hanamichi Sakuragi, PG1132 Mitsui, PG1133 Akagi, PG1134 Miyagi, PG1135 Rukawa, PG1136 Hanamichi Sakuragi, PG1137 Haruko, PG1138 Ayako)
PG8093 Marvel + DC mix (1 big figure, 7 minifigures - PG378 TDKR Bane, PG379 TLBM Bane, PG380 X-Force Wolverine, PG381 Captain America Deadpool, PG382 Deadpoll, PG383 Captain America (Winter Soldier Movie), PG384 Batman Punisher, PG385 America Chavez)
PG8094 He-Man (8 minifigures - PG1107 Evil-Lyn, PG1108 Man-At-Arms, PG1109 Mer-Man, PG1110 Trap Jaw, PG1111 Manaface, PG 1112 Beastman, PG1113 Stratos, PG1114 Clawful)
PG8095 SW (8 minifigures - PG761 Executioner Trooper, PG762 Mace Windu (Pre-release version without SLJ's purple saber), PG763 Luminara, PG764 Darth Malgus, PG765 Clone Trooper (Mygeeto Clones or SWBFII Clone Commander), PG766 Naboo Guard, PG767 Resistance Soldier, PG768 Santa Jango Fett)
PG8096 Marvel (8 minifigures - PG338 Agent X, PG339 Green Goblin (TAS2), PG340 Spider-Armor MK II (Bulletproof suit), PG341 Ends of the Earth/Spider-Armor MK III Spider-Man, PG342 Classic Nick Fury, PG343 Miles Morales, PG344 G.W. Bridge, PG345 Spider-Carnage)
PG8097 SW Clone Troopers/First Order Stormtroopers (8 minifigures - PG769 Riot Trooper (with no baton), PG770 , PG771 , PG772 Commander Fox (Phase II), PG773 Waxer, PG774 Arc Trooper Fives, PG775 , PG776)
PG8098 Marvel X-Men (8 minifigures - PG322 Quicksilver, PG323 Cyclops, PG324 Longshot, PG325 Angel (Ultimates), PG326 Wolverine (Ultimates), PG326 Rogue (Ultimates), PG328 Jean Grey (Ultimates), PG329 Beast (Ultimates))
PG8099 SW Trade Federation Battle Droids (5 minifigures * 4 of each in a bag - PG777 Infantry Battle Droid, PG778 Security Battle Droid, PG779 Pilot Battle Droid, PG780 Command Officer Battle Droid, PG781 Camo/Geonosis Battle Droid)
PG8100 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG386 Harley Quinn Suiced Squad, PG387 Black Lantern Batman, PG388 Banshee, PG389 Harley Quinn (Injustice), PG390 Killmonger, PG391 Condiment King, PG392 Bane, PG393 Black Panther)
PG8101 Kamen Rider/Masked Rider (7 minifigures - PG1169 Kamen Rider Shin Nigo aka New 2, PG1170 Kamen Rider V3, PG1171 Kamen Rider Shin Ichigo aka New 1, PG1172 Kamen Rider Sakurajima Version, PG1173 Shocker Soldier, PG1174 Shocker Soldier, PG1175 Shocker Soldier)
PG8102 Mix (8 minifigures - PG1127 Predator, PG1128 Hatsune Miku, PG1149 Voltron, PG1164 Alien Xenomorph (Modified), PG1176 Jason Voorhees, PG1177 Yondu, PG1178 Drax, PG1178 Classic Green Drax)
PG8103 DC (8 minifigures - PG314 Harley Quinn, PG315 Joker Batman Suit, PG316 Robin, PG317 Mad Hatter, PG318 Racer Batman, PG319 Nightwing, PG320 Two-Face, PG321 Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad))
PG8104 Overwatch (8 minifigures - PG1156 Genji, PG1157 Widowmaker, PG1158 Hanzo, PG1159 Soldier 76, PG1160 D.Va, PG1161 Mei, PG1162 Ana, PG1163 Junkrat)
PG8105 Marvel + DC mix (8 minifigures - PG330 Golden Age Reverse-Flash, PG331 Golden Age The Rival, PG332 Netflix Punisher, PG333 Mark V Iron Man (Football) with Suitcase, PG334 Peggy Carter Captain America (Marvel Superheroes 2), PG335 Parallax, PG336 JOE Costume Joker (New 52), PG337 FOX X-Men Wolverine)
PG8106 DC Batman the Movie CMF2 (8 minifigures - PG1189 Disco Harley Quinn, PG1190 Clock King, PG1191 Disco Alfred, PG1192 Hugo Strange, PG1193 Vacation Robin, PG1194 Mer-Bat Batman, PG1195 Vacation Joker, PG1196 Swimming Pool Batman with Dolphin)
PG8107 DC Batman the Movie (8 minifigures - PG1197 Vacation Batgirl, PG1198 Vacation Alfred, PG1199 Soccer Mom Batgirl, PG1200 Wonder Twins Zan, PG1201 Wonder Twins Jayna, PG1202 Zod, PG1203 Jor-El, PG1204 Black Canary)
Special thanks for help:
Batsie, can I just say, these lists are so damn helpful!! I just wanna say thanks for the effort!! :D Really helps me when I'm trying to look for who I'm missing and I'm sure a lot of people also appreciate this. Cheers my friend!! :D
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I'm glad those lists actually help.
DeleteNew release or just updated numbering?
Can be anything. Now I know that they have reissued armored Batman and Gambit with new styled numbers. Pogo are very active.
DeleteI have to do research and update list. I also have to add all weapons and armors they did, also baseplates and other stuff. *cry*
update the list please
ReplyDeleteFinally done.