The Joker Notorious Lowrider (Lepin 07046), copy of 70906
I am finally able to write a review, since I was waiting for spare parts to arrive. Seller that sold me Lowrider sent missing parts with my next order. Good to know there are honest sellers.
I've paid 25$ for this set, but looks like now it costs even less. Package contined 10 packets + 1 ziplock bag with guns, stickers and a cape. There was no assembling sequence.
Pretty nice build of you ask me, looks decent, has no loose parts. Front glass is okay.
Tyres are okay. Those 4 golden sticks on the sides are actually guns. And the funny thing Lepin has strange mold combination for guns. This set requires 8 golden guns, each of them was included in pad which had 4 guns, only 1 of each pad was correct. Now I have 3 * 8 golden guns of different types left. Where am I supposed to apply them?
The rear glass is pretty dim, just like the majority of Lepin glasses that doesn't come with new 2017 logo, that guarantess assembling sequence and quality improvements.
In the car trunk there are 2 spring shooters, so when you press the button in the car interrior they obviously shoot. They actually work (in another car set that I have they don't work). And Ha-ha-ha.
The Lowrider function. Should I say it doesn't work well?
The lowering mechanism is simply 2 pairs of rubber bands. I guess it's exactly jist like the original works. Still using rubber bands, huh?
This one work not for very long and now very well. No big deal for me.
upd. Seems like original Lego version doesn't work well too.
upd. Seems like original Lego version doesn't work well too.
Minifigures are the fun part here.I'll compare them to other manufacturers. I think that's pretty interesting. So Harley.
Left to right: Lepin, Pogo, Xinh.
Xinh has the most colorful print and the most accurately printed hairpiece.
Lepin has right hand issue that I've already encountered with previous set: hand doesn't fit completely in the arm.
Despite having most vivid colors Xinh doesn't print legs' sides. Kudos to Lepin for correct mold of hairpiece (but all have correct molds actually). And there's no big defference between those 3.
Left to right: Lepin, Pogo, Xinh, Lego. Skintones are different. And Pogo used incorrect color for batarang.
Both Lepin and Xinh has failed with hair color. Pogo's color is close to Lego. Also Xinh didn't print leg sides, again.
Cape materials are different. I can't say which one is better. To start with I don't even like Lego version cape, but it's best here without a doubt.
Jokes aside, despite the fact that Xinh has really bad arms printing (see Joker minifigure) and don't print leg sides, they actually do dual legs molding on some minifigures, just like Lego. At the moment other manufactirers can't do dual molds.
Left to right: Xinh, Lego.
Left to right: Xinh, Lego.
Joker, Joker, Joker. Lepin has failed with Asylum sets, where almost no one has correct hair molds so they've repeated mistakes here.
Left to right: Lepin, Pogo, Xinh.
Xinh has incorrect color, while Pogo and Lepin are pretty close to Lego. And how Xinh prints arms is a disaster. It's just the same on their other minifigures - just one stripe of paint and that's all. Others do round print as they can't dual mold hands.
So, what I can say? I liked assembling this set. Overall it looks pretty good, but the lowering fuction of the car doesn't work properly (yup, just original).
Minifigures are decent, but you may wanna to correct some details for your set. Looks like almost correct minifigure can be conjured by mixing Pogo and Xinh.
Thanks for reading till the end.